home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Main file of public UNACE. */
- /* */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- //--------------- include general files ------------------------------------//
- #include <ctype.h> // tolower()
- #include <fcntl.h> // open()
- #include <stdio.h> // printf() sprintf() remove()
- #include <stdlib.h> // malloc()
- #include <string.h> // str*()
- #include <sys/stat.h> // S_I* AMIGA: fstat()
- #if defined(AMIGA)
- #include <error.h> // errno
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(DOS) || defined(WINNT) || defined(WIN16) || defined(OS2)
- #include <io.h> // lseek() open() read() write() eof() close()
- #endif
- #if defined(DOS) || defined(WINNT) || defined(WIN16)
- #include <dos.h> // lseek() open() read() write() eof() close()
- #endif
- #if defined(UNIX)
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #endif
- //--------------- include unace specific header files ----------------------//
- #include "os.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "portable.h"
- #include "uac_comm.h"
- #include "uac_crc.h"
- #include "uac_crt.h"
- #include "uac_dcpr.h"
- #include "uac_sys.h"
- //--------------- BEGIN OF UNACE ROUTINES ----------------------------------//
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* fileexists() hack:
- * if first try of file existing doesn't work then swap Case of the c
- * in the .CXX extension
- */
- INT fileexists_insense(char *name)
- {
- int len;
- char *s;
- if (fileexists(name))
- return 1;
- len = strlen(name);
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- s = &name[len-3];
- if (isalpha(*s))
- {
- if (islower(*s))
- *s = toupper(*s);
- else
- *s = tolower(*s);
- return fileexists(name);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #else
- #define fileexists_insense(name) fileexists(name)
- #endif
- void init_unace(void) // initializes unace
- {
- buf_rd =malloc(size_rdb * sizeof(ULONG)); // Allocate buffers: increase
- buf =malloc(size_buf); // sizes when possible to speed
- buf_wr =malloc(size_wrb); // up the program
- readbuf=malloc(size_headrdb);
- if (buf_rd ==NULL ||
- buf ==NULL ||
- buf_wr ==NULL ||
- readbuf==NULL )
- f_err = ERR_MEM;
- make_crctable(); // initialize CRC table
- dcpr_init(); // initialize decompression
- set_handler(); // ctrl+break etc.
- }
- void done_unace(void)
- {
- if (buf_rd ) free(buf_rd );
- if (buf ) free(buf );
- if (buf_wr ) free(buf_wr );
- if (readbuf ) free(readbuf );
- if (dcpr_text) free(dcpr_text);
- }
- INT read_header(INT print_err) // reads any header from archive
- {
- USHORT rd,
- head_size,
- crc_ok;
- LONG crc;
- UCHAR *tp=readbuf;
- lseek(archan, skipsize, SEEK_CUR); // skip ADDSIZE block
- if (read(archan, &head, 4)<4)
- return 0; // read CRC and header size
- WORDswap(&head.HEAD_CRC);
- WORDswap(&head.HEAD_SIZE);
- #endif
- // read size_headrdb bytes into
- head_size = head.HEAD_SIZE; // header structure
- rd = (head_size > size_headrdb) ? size_headrdb : head_size;
- if (read(archan, readbuf, rd) < rd)
- return 0;
- head_size -= rd;
- crc = getcrc(CRC_MASK, readbuf, rd);
- while (head_size) // skip rest of header
- {
- rd = (head_size > size_buf) ? size_buf : head_size;
- if (read(archan, buf, rd) < rd)
- return 0;
- head_size -= rd;
- crc = getcrc(crc, buf, rd);
- }
- head.HEAD_TYPE =*tp++; // generic buffer to head conversion
- skipsize = head.ADDSIZE = BUF2LONG(tp); // get ADDSIZE
- else
- skipsize = 0;
- // check header CRC
- if (!(crc_ok = head.HEAD_CRC == (crc & 0xffff)) && print_err)
- printf("\nError: archive is broken\n");
- else
- switch (head.HEAD_TYPE) // specific buffer to head conversion
- {
- case MAIN_BLK:
- memcpy(mhead.ACESIGN, tp, acesign_len); tp+=acesign_len;
- mhead.VER_MOD=*tp++;
- mhead.VER_CR =*tp++;
- mhead.HOST_CR=*tp++;
- mhead.VOL_NUM=*tp++;
- mhead.TIME_CR=BUFP2LONG(tp);
- mhead.RES1 =BUFP2WORD(tp);
- mhead.RES2 =BUFP2WORD(tp);
- mhead.RES =BUFP2LONG(tp);
- mhead.AV_SIZE=*tp++;
- memcpy(mhead.AV, tp, rd-(USHORT)(tp-readbuf));
- break;
- case FILE_BLK:
- fhead.PSIZE =BUFP2LONG(tp);
- fhead.SIZE =BUFP2LONG(tp);
- fhead.FTIME =BUFP2LONG(tp);
- fhead.ATTR =BUFP2LONG(tp);
- fhead.CRC32 =BUFP2LONG(tp);
- fhead.TECH.TYPE =*tp++;
- fhead.TECH.QUAL =*tp++;
- fhead.TECH.PARM =BUFP2WORD(tp);
- fhead.RESERVED =BUFP2WORD(tp);
- memcpy(fhead.FNAME, tp, rd-(USHORT)(tp-readbuf));
- break;
- // default: (REC_BLK and future things):
- // do nothing 'cause isn't needed for extraction
- }
- return crc_ok;
- }
- // maximum SFX module size
- #define max_sfx_size 65536 // (needed by read_arc_head)
- INT read_arc_head(void) // searches for the archive header and reads it
- {
- INT i,
- flags,
- buf_pos = 0;
- LONG arc_head_pos,
- old_fpos,
- fpos = 0;
- struct stat st;
- fstat(archan, &st);
- memset(buf, 0, size_buf);
- while (lseek(archan, 0, SEEK_CUR)<st.st_size && fpos < max_sfx_size)
- {
- old_fpos = fpos;
- fpos += read(archan, &buf[buf_pos], size_buf - buf_pos);
- for (i = 0; i < size_buf; i++) // look for the acesign
- {
- if (!memcmp(acesign, &buf[i], acesign_len))
- {
- // seek to the probable begin
- // of the archive
- arc_head_pos = old_fpos + i - buf_pos - bytes_before_acesign;
- lseek(archan, arc_head_pos, SEEK_SET);
- if (read_header(0)) // try to read archive header
- {
- flags = mhead.HEAD_FLAGS;
- adat.sol = (flags & ACE_SOLID) > 0;
- adat.vol = (flags & ACE_MULT_VOL) > 0;
- adat.vol_num = mhead.VOL_NUM;
- adat.time_cr = mhead.TIME_CR;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // was no archive header,
- // continue search
- lseek(archan, fpos, SEEK_SET);
- memcpy(buf, &buf[size_buf - 512], 512);
- buf_pos = 512; // keep 512 old bytes
- }
- return 0;
- }
- INT open_archive(INT print_err) // opens archive (or volume)
- {
- CHAR av_str[80];
- archan = open(aname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); // open file
- if (archan == -1)
- {
- printf("\nError opening file %s", aname);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!read_arc_head()) // read archive header
- {
- if (print_err)
- printf("\nInvalid archive file: %s\n", aname);
- close(archan);
- return 0;
- }
- printf("\nProcessing archive: %s\n\n", aname);
- if (head.HEAD_FLAGS & ACE_AV)
- {
- printf("Authenticity Verification:"); // print the AV
- sprintf(av_str, "\ncreated on %d.%d.%d by ",
- ts_day(adat.time_cr), ts_month(adat.time_cr), ts_year(adat.time_cr));
- printf(av_str);
- strncpy(av_str, mhead.AV, mhead.AV_SIZE);
- av_str[mhead.AV_SIZE] = 0;
- printf("%s\n\n", av_str);
- }
- comment_out("Main comment:"); // print main comment
- return 1;
- }
- void get_next_volname(void) // get file name of next volume
- {
- CHAR *cp;
- INT num;
- if ((cp = (CHAR *) strrchr(aname, '.')) == NULL || !*(cp + 1))
- num = -1;
- else
- {
- cp++;
- num = (*(cp + 1) - '0') * 10 + *(cp + 2) - '0';
- if (!in(num, 0, 99))
- num = -1;
- if (in(*cp, '0', '9'))
- num += (*cp - '0') * 100;
- }
- num++;
- if (num < 100)
- *cp = 'C';
- else
- *cp = num / 100 + '0';
- *(cp + 1) = (num / 10) % 10 + '0';
- *(cp + 2) = num % 10 + '0';
- }
- INT proc_vol(void) // opens volume
- {
- INT i;
- CHAR s[80];
- // if f_allvol_pr is 2 we have -y and should never ask
- if ((!fileexists_insense(aname) && f_allvol_pr != 2) || !f_allvol_pr)
- {
- do
- {
- sprintf(s, "Ready to process %s?", aname);
- beep();
- i = wrask(s); // ask whether ready or not
- f_allvol_pr = 0;
- if(i == 1) // "Always" --> process all volumes
- f_allvol_pr = 1;
- if (i >= 2)
- {
- f_err = ERR_FOUND;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- while (!fileexists_insense(aname));
- }
- if (!open_archive(1)) // open volume
- {
- printf("\nError while opening archive. File not found or archive broken.\n");
- f_err = ERR_OPEN;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- INT proc_next_vol(void) // opens next volume to process
- {
- close(archan); // close handle
- get_next_volname(); // get file name of next volume
- if (!proc_vol()) // try to open volume, read archive header
- return 0;
- if (!read_header(1)) // read 2nd header
- {
- f_err=ERR_READ;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- INT read_adds_blk(CHAR * buffer, INT len) // reads part of ADD_SIZE block
- {
- INT rd = 0,
- l = len;
- LONG i;
- while (!f_err && len && skipsize)
- {
- i = (skipsize > len) ? len : skipsize;
- skipsize -= i;
- errno = 0;
- rd += read(archan, buffer, i);
- if (errno)
- {
- printf("\nRead error\n");
- f_err = ERR_READ;
- }
- buffer += i;
- len -= i;
- if (!skipsize) // if block is continued on next volume
- if (head.HEAD_FLAGS & ACE_SP_AFTER && !proc_next_vol())
- break;
- }
- return (rd > l ? l : rd);
- }
- void crc_print(void) // checks CRC, prints message
- {
- INT crc_not_ok = rd_crc != fhead.CRC32; /* check CRC of file */
- if(crc_not_ok)
- f_err_crc=1;
- if (!f_err) // print message
- {
- printf(crc_not_ok ? " CRC-check error" : " CRC OK");
- flush;
- }
- }
- void analyze_file(void) // analyzes one file (for solid archives)
- {
- printf("\n Analyzing");
- flush;
- while (!cancel() && (dcpr_adds_blk(buf_wr, size_wrb))) // decompress only
- ;
- crc_print();
- }
- void extract_file(void) // extracts one file
- {
- INT rd;
- printf("\n Extracting");
- flush; // decompress block
- while (!cancel() && (rd = dcpr_adds_blk(buf_wr, size_wrb)))
- {
- if (write(wrhan, buf_wr, rd) != rd) // write block
- {
- printf("\nWrite error\n");
- f_err = ERR_WRITE;
- }
- }
- crc_print();
- }
- /* extracts or tests all files of the archive
- */
- void extract_files(int nopath, int test)
- {
- CHAR file[PATH_MAX];
- while (!cancel() && read_header(1))
- {
- if (head.HEAD_TYPE == FILE_BLK)
- {
- comment_out("File comment:"); // show file comment
- ace_fname(file, &head, nopath); // get file name
- printf("\n%s", file);
- flush;
- dcpr_init_file(); // initialize decompression of file
- if (!f_err)
- {
- if (test ||
- (wrhan = create_dest_file(file, (INT) fhead.ATTR))<0)
- {
- if (test || adat.sol)
- analyze_file(); // analyze file
- }
- else
- {
- extract_file(); // extract it
- #ifdef DOS // set file time
- _dos_setftime(wrhan, (USHORT) (fhead.FTIME >> 16), (USHORT) fhead.FTIME);
- #endif
- close(wrhan);
- #ifdef DOS // set file attributes
- _dos_setfileattr(file, (UINT) fhead.ATTR);
- #endif
- #ifdef AMIGA
- { // set file date and time
- struct DateTime dt;
- char Date[9], Time[9];
- ULONG tstamp=fhead.FTIME;
- sprintf(Date, "%02d-%02d-%02d", ts_year(tstamp)-1900, ts_month(tstamp), ts_day(tstamp));
- sprintf(Time, "%02d:%02d:%02d", ts_hour(tstamp), ts_min(tstamp), ts_sec(tstamp));
- dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_INT;
- dt.dat_Flags = 0;
- dt.dat_StrDate= Date;
- dt.dat_StrTime= Time;
- if (StrToDate(&dt))
- SetFileDate(file, &dt.dat_Stamp);
- }
- #endif
- if (f_err)
- remove(file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned percentage(ULONG p, ULONG d)
- {
- return (unsigned)( d ? (d/2+p*100)/d : 100 );
- }
- void list_files(int verbose)
- {
- unsigned files=0;
- ULONG size =0,
- psize=0,
- tpsize;
- CHAR file[PATH_MAX];
- printf("Date |Time |Packed |Size |Ratio|File\n");
- while (!cancel() && read_header(1))
- {
- if (head.HEAD_TYPE == FILE_BLK)
- {
- ULONG ti=fhead.FTIME;
- ace_fname(file, &head, verbose ? 0 : 1); // get file name
- size += fhead.SIZE;
- psize +=
- tpsize = fhead.PSIZE;
- files++;
- while (head.HEAD_FLAGS & ACE_SP_AFTER)
- {
- skipsize=0;
- if (!proc_next_vol())
- break;
- psize += fhead.PSIZE;
- tpsize+= fhead.PSIZE;
- }
- if (!f_err)
- printf("%02u.%02u.%02u|%02u:%02u|%c%c%9lu|%9lu|%4u%%|%c%s\n",
- ts_day (ti), ts_month(ti), ts_year(ti)%100,
- ts_hour(ti), ts_min (ti),
- fhead.HEAD_FLAGS & ACE_SP_BEF ? '<' : ' ',
- fhead.HEAD_FLAGS & ACE_SP_AFTER ? '>' : ' ',
- tpsize, fhead.SIZE, percentage(tpsize, fhead.SIZE),
- fhead.HEAD_FLAGS & ACE_PASSW ? '*' : ' ',
- file
- );
- }
- }
- if (!f_err)
- {
- printf("\n %9lu|%9lu|%4u%%| %u file%s",
- psize,
- size,
- percentage(psize, size),
- files,
- (char*)(files == 1 ? "" : "s")
- );
- }
- }
- void showhelp(void)
- {
- printf("\n"
- "Usage: UNACE <command> [<switches>] <archive[.ace]>\n"
- "\n"
- "Where <command> is one of:\n"
- "\n"
- " e Extract files\n"
- " l List archive\n"
- " t Test archive integrity\n"
- " v List archive (verbose)\n"
- " x Extract files with full path\n"
- "\n"
- "And <switches> is zero or more of:\n"
- "\n"
- " -y Assume 'yes' on all questions, never ask for input"
- );
- f_err = ERR_CLINE;
- }
- int main(INT argc, CHAR * argv[]) // processes the archive
- {
- INT show_help,
- arg_cnt = 1;
- printf(version);
- show_help=0;
- if (argc < 3 || strlen(argv[1]) > 1 || argv[argc-1][0] == '-')
- show_help=1;
- while (!show_help && argv[++arg_cnt][0] == '-')
- {
- switch (tolower(argv[arg_cnt][1]))
- {
- case 'y':
- f_ovrall = 1; // Overwrite all
- f_allvol_pr = 2; // Process all volumes, and never ask
- break;
- default:
- show_help = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (show_help)
- showhelp();
- else
- {
- CHAR *s;
- init_unace(); // initialize unace
- strcpy(aname, argv[arg_cnt]); // get archive name
- if (!(s = (CHAR *) strrchr(aname, DIRSEP)))
- s = aname;
- if (!strrchr(s, '.'))
- strcat(aname, ".ACE");
- if (open_archive(1)) // open archive to process
- {
- if (adat.vol_num)
- printf("\nFirst volume of archive required!\n");
- else
- switch (tolower(*argv[1]))
- {
- case 'e': extract_files(1, 0); break; // extract files without path
- case 'x': extract_files(0, 0); break; // extract files with path
- case 'l': list_files (0 ); break; // list files
- case 'v': list_files (1 ); break; // list files verbose
- case 't': extract_files(0, 1); break; // test archive integrity.
- default : showhelp(); // Wrong command!
- }
- close(archan);
- if (f_err)
- {
- printf("\nError occurred\n");
- if (f_criterr)
- printf("Critical error on drive %c\n", f_criterr);
- }
- }
- else
- f_err = ERR_CLINE;
- done_unace();
- }
- putchar('\n');
- putc ('\n', stderr);
- if (!f_err && f_err_crc)
- {
- printf("One or more CRC-errors were found.\n");
- f_err = ERR_CRC;
- }
- return f_err;
- }